Thursday, October 14, 2010

Welcome to the 4th Grade Blog!

This blog was created to have a place for the 4th Grade Parents and Mr. Reynoso to communicate as an alternative to email.  We will use this blog to communicate upcoming events, the need for volunteers, the need for donations for class parties, details about field trips, messages from Mr. Reynoso and many other topics.  Please feel free to post a blog if you need to communicate to the 4th Grade Class Community.  This is our space so please feel free to participate. (Note:  You can easily sign up for a RSS feed to your current email so that you are updated when new posts and comments are made to this blog.)


  1. Great idea! Hope it takes!!

  2. Okay Debra!! Count me in for Oct. 29th (Halloween party).
    I may call you to get details, but I think I can handle this one.

  3. Thanks Marisol! Let me know what I can bring!

  4. Marisol, let me know if you want some help with activities at the party or just some extra hands.

  5. Hi Guys,
    I will send out a formal email for sign ups and who can help out on that day.
    I hope to do it this evening. Thanks! Marisol
